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1 ?羊肚菌 ...。 技术领域本专利技术属于设施农业食用菌种植技术领域,特别涉及一种高寒高海拔地区羊肚菌多季种植方法。背景技术羊肚菌(Morchella esculenta)是一种名贵食药用真菌,羊肚菌科、羊肚菌属多种真菌的总称,更是营养及药用价值都较高的真菌。 2 ?羊肚菌提取物 羊肚菌提取物(morchella esculenta),供应羊肚菌提取物(morchella esculenta),植物提取物供求信息,中药提取物供求信息,药材供求信息_植物提取物中国网 ... 3 ?最成功的例子是羊肚菌 ...nd Dosoretz, 1991) 到目前为止,以深层酦酵培养菇类菌丝体以生产香味物质的试验中,最成功的例子是羊肚菌(Morchella esculenta, morel)。 4 ?可食羊肚菌 ... 尖顶羊肚菌 morchella conica 可食羊肚菌 morchella esculenta 类羊肚菌 false morels ...
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The artificially cultivated morchella esculenta with good quality, beautiful appearance and suitable size, is welcome in the markets both at home and abroad. 人工栽培的羊肚菌质量很好,外形美观,朵形大小均匀,深受市场欢迎。 - 2
So artificial cultivation is the only way to solve the problem of the great need of morchella esculenta, which can also bring you a lot of economic interests. 开发人工栽培是解决羊肚菌紧俏的唯一出路,它可以创造更大的经济财富。 - 3
The effects of irradiation of UV rays on the growth of hyphae of Morchella esculenta , Trichoto-ma matsutake and Collybia velutipes were studied on potato culture media. 用紫外线照射羊肚菌、松茸、金针菇菌丝体,研究了不同照射时间对菌丝生长速度、菌落直径、菌丝生长势及菌丝干重的影响。