...动力解释:强调内在冲突 ? 三种焦虑类型 a) 客观焦虑(objective anxiety):来自外在世界当 中的威胁 b) 道德焦虑(moral anxiety):来自对超我之处罚 的恐惧,通常在本我冲动表达之后 c) 神经质焦虑(neurotic anxiety):来自超我无法 控制本我的恐惧,通常在本...
According to the reasons of anxiety, anxieties can be divided into three kinds: realistic anxiety, nerves anxiety and moralanxiety.
The moralanxiety of medical personals is resulted from the status of scapegoat, the pressure from role confliction as well as the direction of public opinion.
Thereafter, men, when facing the dying fellows, are always questioned by their conscience and live in moralanxiety and uneasiness, and the helplessness of law.