In every sample, levels of N-cadherin and plakoglobin signals at junctions were indistinguishable from those in control samples.
在每一个标本中,细胞连接的N -钙粘蛋白和盘状球蛋白的水平与对照标本无法区分。
Objective: To explore the protective effect of the Phyllanthus Urinaria (PU) extract on the N-cadherin expression in the testicular tissues disrupted by nitrogen mustard (HN2) in vivo.
目的:研究叶下珠(PU)提取物对盐酸氮芥(HN2)损伤睾丸组织N -钙粘蛋白表达的保护作用。
Collecting all the results, impair N-cadherin-medianted adhesion increasing the susceptibility of isolated rat hearts probably through affecting the gap junctions in the intercalated discs.