?训练师协会(National Basketball Association Trainers Association)
埃德-莱瑟特_百度百科 师同时,他还运用自己丰富的专业功底,担任凯尔特人理疗师和力量及体能教练七年。 1993年,NBA训练师协会(NBTA, National Basketball Association Trainers Association)同业票选中,莱瑟特获第12届“NBA年度最佳运动伤害防护师(NBA Athletic Trainer
NBTA and IHS Global Insight expect most sectors by next year to start rebuilding business travel spending levels, at an average growth rate of 4.2 percent over 2009.
NBTA和IHS Global Insight预期到明年,多数行业会开始重新提高商务旅行支出水平,在2009年水平的基础上以平均4.2%的速度增长。
Nearly every industry or sector is expected to show decreased levels of business travel spending in 2009 versus last year, "reflecting the global recession," according to an NBTA statement.