...据报道,马耳他规划局已批准将纳沙尔(Naxxar)一座混凝土生产厂改建为工业园区。该园区将建在Triq Burmarrad,其组成包括1.2万平方米的地下室仓储和配送区,三层地下停车场,总...
... 马耳他(Malta) 纳克萨(Naxxar) 卡拉(Qawra) ...
"I wasn't expecting such a landslide victory for Labour, " he said after the count in Naxxar, outside the capital Valletta.
BBC: Labour returns to power in Malta after 15 years
Ballot boxes were taken to a central hall in Naxxar, where the sorting of votes was due to start late on Sunday morning, it said.
BBC: Malta general election vote ends