释义 |
1 ?沈小囡 咬了 囡囡′沈小囡(LOKEY)一口 上传了图片 2 ?名字 ... 所属州: PA 名字: Lokey 姓: R ... 3 ?号发帖明星 [五花八门] 6月8号发帖明星(LOKEY) PIZZA 4 ?低调组合 ...12期,由张馨月、杨和苏组成的“低调”组合登场,用自己的方式演绎一首《我的天空》,最终选择了周杰伦战队。 低调组合(LOKEY),中国内地流行说唱组合,由杨和苏、张馨月组成。
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Houlihan Lokey, a privately owned Los Angeles-based investment bank, says the past two years were its most profitable yet. 国际性投资银行华利安,这是位于洛杉矶一家私人经营的投资银行,宣称过去的两年其获利最多。 - 2
Companies that excel in those areas are also the main targets of mergers and acquisitions, said Jean Stack, senior vice President of Houlihan Lokey, an investment banking company. 这些领域的优秀公司也会是合并和采办的主要目标,一家投资银行公司Houlihan Lokey的高级副总裁Jean Stack说。 - 3
Michael Utley, spokesman for Houlihan Lokey, the investment bank advising MGM’s creditor committee, declined to discuss the matter. Susie Arons, an outside spokeswoman for MGM, also declined comment. 国际投资银行华利安诺基(Houlihan Lokey)目前为米高梅债权人委员会提供咨询服务,其发言人迈克尔·阿特里(Michael Utley)也拒绝对此事进行评论。