...X Y Z 全部 您是不是要找:a 逻辑链路控制层 在开放系统互联的通信模型中,逻辑链路控制层(Logical Link Control layer,LCL layer)是数据链路层的两个子层之一,它涉及到物理介质拥塞管理(流和错误控制)。
所有的 IEEE 802 协议簇共用同一个逻辑链路控制协议( Logical Link Control Layer , LLC ),即 IEEE 802.2 标准。
Above the HCI layer are the upper layers of the protocol stack. The first of these is the L2CAP (logicallinkcontrol and adaptation protocol) layer. The L2CAP is primarily responsible for.
In wireless network, a logicallinkcontrol (LLC) layer is necessary to mitigate the effect of radio channel error before cells are released to the ATM network layer.