Virtual I/O Server hosts logicalI/O devices to the partitions, such as virtual SCSI disks and virtual Ethernet.
虚拟 I/O 服务器将逻辑 I/O 设备分配给分区,如虚拟 SCSI 磁盘和虚拟以太网。
This configuration provided us with more logical drives for Linux so that we could spread the I/O out to the same DS8000 systems.
这种配置可以为 Linux 提供更多的逻辑驱动器,从而可以将 I/O 分散到相同的 DS8000 系统上。
Eventually, we determined that the I/O issue was caused by the way the ECKD volumes were being supported in Linux and how requests were being queued at the logical device level.
最终,我们确定,I/O 问题是由 Linux 支持 ECKD 卷的方式和逻辑设备级别上请求的排队方式引起的。