释义 |
1 ?管理等级 ... 管理当局 administering authority 管理等级 managerial class 管理调用程序 supervisor call program ... 2 ?管理阶级 ...中产阶级: 一,拥有不同程度「权威「决策和身处不同「正式层级地位的管理位 , 置者,简称为「管理阶级 (managerial class) . 二,不拥有管理他人或负有决策的权力,但却有工作自主性的专业人士,简 称为「专业阶级 (professional class) .
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Viewing also varies according to social class, with professional and managerial classes watching less than the unskilled and the unemployed. 看电视的多少也因社会阶层而异,专业人士和管理人员比无技术的和失业的人群看电视要少。 - 2
The big difference between him and Germany’s new managerial class, says Mr Gerke, was not that he took risks and they did not, but that when he got it wrong, “he paid with his life.” 沃尔夫冈?盖尔克还认为,默克尔和德国新兴管理阶层的主要差别不在于他承担了风险而别人没有,而在于当他犯了错,“他为此付出了生命的代价”。 - 3
Sloan organised his company into divisions that specialised in cars "for every purse and purpose" and he fashioned a managerial class that turned GM into the world's biggest company. 斯隆将公司划分为很多部门,这些部门对汽车“每个零件和意图”进行专业分工,并且将管理等级进行完善,使得通用公司成为世界上最大的公司。