n. 主人(对男主人的称呼);老爷
n. [植]枸杞;欧楂果
德国Richard-wolf(狼牌) 耳鼻喉内窥镜、美国美敦力动力切削系统、安泰等离子、韩国美的斯达(MEDSTAR)耳鼻喉综合治疗台、宫腔镜、腹腔镜、三维彩超、东芝X光机、全自动生化分析仪、麻醉机、呼吸机、心电监护仪等
梅德史塔华盛顿医疗中心 ; 斯卡利塞在医疗之星华盛顿医院中心 ; 华盛顿着名医院
About 100 people were injured, said Matt Zavadsky, a spokesman for MedStar Mobile Healthcare.
CNN: Officials: 6 dead, dozens injured in Texas storm
"We have seen numerous people reverse their condition, " says Dr. Michelle Magee, director of the MedStar Diabetes Institute in Washington.
CNN: Reversing diabetes is possible
James Howard, director of the Lipid Clinic at MedStar Washington Hospital Center in Washington, DC, says the new changes are a real step forward.
CNN: Statin labels will come with new safety warnings