? 详细特写(full close-up): 从颈部开始 ? 中特写(medium close-up):从下巴开始,头顶已经出了 画面 ? 极至特写(extreme close-up):一般画面中只有五官 电影影像的角度 ? 平角; ? 注意:电影...
... 暗蓝 medium blue 媒体特写 medium close-up 媒体密度纤维板 medium density fiberboard ...
〈,戒〉配角出场: 酷烈的光与影更托出佳芝的前邱壑,一张脸也经得起无的当头照耀———这是银幕半身特写(medium close-up)。 「培植了张玲,也「供养了张玲。
... close-up of disk 磁盘细部 medium close-up 半身 close up shop 关门(停止活动)...
极度特写镜头 ; 近景
So if the C919 is to be commercially viable, COMAC needs to get the plane up in the air on or close to its ambitious schedule while the market for medium-range aircraft remains hot.
FORBES: China's Aviation ABCs: Airbus, Boeing, and COMAC