释义 |
medieval 英/ ?medi?i?v(?)l / 美/ ?mi?d?i?v(?)l / - 1
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语言学 中古音 In the aspect of phonetics,this thesis introduced the phonology and its features comprehensively. It also carefully analyzed the characteristics of pronunciation phenomenon,for example:read-difference,the relations between initials finials and tones comparisons with the phonetic sounds of medieval times and so on. 语音方面,本文全面介绍了天镇县方言的音系及特点、声韵调的配合关系、与中古音的比较等,并对文白异读、分音词和合音词等有特色的语音现象进行了细致地分析。
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First, the medievals banned usury, or charging interest on loans. - 2
The Greeks had a fair idea of the size of the Earth and the distance to the moon, and so did the medievals who read their work. 希腊人对地球的大小和地月距离有所了解。 中世纪的人熟读希腊人的书,同样也获得了这样的知识。