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美第奇, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
It is a work intended to ingratiate himself to Lorenzo DE Medici, the man to whom the work is dedicated, a customary prince, a traditional prince who has just regained his power. 本书是针对,他迎合罗伦佐?梅迪西所写,后者即是本着作所要致献的人,一个按惯例策立的君王,一位传统的君王,且才刚重获权力。 - 2
For example, he has a revisionist view of the Medici, stubbornly refusing to eulogise Cosimo or Lorenzo de’ Medici, the conventional heroes of popular histories of Renaissance Florence. 举个例子,他坚持修正关于美第奇家族的一个观点,拒绝称颂科西莫·美第奇(Cosimo)和洛伦佐·美第奇(Lorenzo de’ Medici),尽管他们依照流行的历史观点被认为是佛洛伦萨文艺复兴时期的英雄。 - 3
He does so, partly to record that the decline and eventual collapse of the Medici bank had little impact on the banking system as a whole. 他这样说,某种程度上是因为历史记载:美第奇家族银行的衰落及最终崩溃对整个银行体系本身影响甚少。