释义 |
- 喙鲸:一种生活在深海的鲸类,以其长而突出的喙状嘴而闻名。
1 ?剑吻鲸科 ... baleen whales 须鲸类; 须鲸亚目 beaked whales 剑吻鲸科 chinatrust whales 和信鲸; 中信鲸队 ...
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But it is easier to hear the baleen whale, with its lower-frequency call, than the beaked whales, says Theriault. 但是,Theriault说,和喙鲸相比,须鲸发出的叫声频率更低,更容易听到它发出的声音。 - 2
Other toothed whales are the bottlenose, the beaked whale, and the white whale. - 3
A microphone attached to the bottom of the glider can pick up calls from all whales, including the high frequency call of the beaked whale, which until now has been difficult to detect. 安装在滑翔器底端的麦克风可以捕捉到所有种类的鲸鱼叫声。包括由喙鲸发出的高频率叫声,在此之前一直都难以探测。