In this example, only one C file is used, but in large systems, typically various libraries are built and finally linked to build the executable file.
在这个例子中,只有一个 C 文件被使用,但是在较大的系统中,通常是各种数据库被建立,最终连接到这个可执行文件中。
This will be enough for them to get compiled and linked into the GIMP executable when a build is performed.
当您执行一个构建时,这足以使它们被编译并链接到 GIMP 可执行文件中。
This is definitely not the full story, however: if you download make 3.79.1 from and build it, the resulting executable will fail with the exact same error.
但这并非问题的全部,因为即使您从 下载 make 3.79.1 并进行了构建,结果的执行情况仍然会因为同样的原因而失败。