释义 |
1 ?子嗣 ... male infertility 不育症 ; 男性不孕 ; 男性不育症 ; 雄性不育 complementary male 助雄 male offspring 子嗣 ... 2 ?儿子 [son-in-law] 女婿 [son;male offspring] 儿子。指传宗接代的人 [works of ancient philosophers other than those of Confucius] 古时图书四部分类法的子部书籍,如《老子》、《... 3 ?后代 ... ◎ [the earth] 指后土。对大地的尊称 ◎ [male offspring] 后代,子孙 ◎ [posterity] 后世 ...
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With rising temperatures, this endangered reptile could produce all male offspring by 2085, guaranteeing its extinction, a new study finds. 新西兰鳄蜥就面临着这种孤独而又可怕的命运。 一个新的研究表明,随着温度持续上升,这个濒临灭绝的爬行类动物到2085年时生育的后代可能都将是雄性。 - 2
These sons are in turn strong and outdo other weaker male offspring to reproduce - thus ensuring survival of the fittest and of the family line. 相对于其他瘦弱的男孩而言,这些强壮的男孩更容易繁殖—由此确保最强壮的后代能够生存并保持家族的延续。 - 3
Kibabu and two of his male offspring, Fuzu and Fataki, are scheduled to leave Taronga in 2013 to form a bachelor group at Orana Wildlife Park in New Zealand. 他和他的两个同族兄弟,富足和法塔基,计划在2013年告别塔朗加去组建位于新西兰的奥拉纳野生动物公园,组建第一个培育基地。