释义 |
1 ?泥砾岩 ... mudstone conglomerate 泥岩 ; 泥砾岩 soft mudstone 软泥岩 calcite mudstone 泥屑灰岩 ...
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The Laiyang Formation is composed of conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone and shale. - 2
Wudaoliang group is grayish - white, yellow - grey, dark - grey ash rock, which interbeded with the conglomerate, sandstone, a little amount mudstone, oil shale with unconsolidated sand mud rock. 五道梁群以灰白色、灰黄色灰岩为主,含有砾岩、砂岩,夹有少量泥岩、油页岩和未固结砂泥沉积。 - 3
Depositional district: lithologically, they are sandy conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone interbedded with mudstone.