释义 |
1 ?黏膜斑 约30%二期梅毒病人发生所谓黏膜斑(mucous patch) 即稍见隆起
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The Hanfang Detox Foot Patch... is a natural way to assist your body in the removal of heavy metals, metabolic wastes, toxins, microscopic parasites, mucous, chemicals, cellulite and much more. 足贴是一种纯天然的产品,它可以帮助你的身体排除重金属,新陈代谢所产生的废物,毒素,微小的寄生虫,各种有害的化学物质,多余的脂肪以及其他许多中对身体有害的东西。 - 2
The Detox Foot Patch... is a natural way to assist your body in the removal of heavy metals, metabolic wastes, toxins, microscopic parasites, mucous, chemicals, cellulite and much more. 足贴是一种纯天然的产品,它可以帮助你的身体排除重金属,新陈代谢所产生的废物,毒素,微小的寄生虫,各种有害的化学物质,多余的脂肪以及其他许多中对身体有害的东西。