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- n.胡萝卜素;胡萝卜素类(carotene 的复数)
1 ?胡萝卜素 类胡萝卜素(Carotenoids)是自然界中广泛存在的一种天然色素,具有多种生物学功能,根据其结构不同可分为胡萝卜素(Carotenes)和类胡萝卜素含氧衍生物——叶黄素(Xanthophylls),前者的典型代表是β-胡萝卜素(β-Carotene,βC),后者的典型代表是黄体素(Lutei... 2 ?素类 胡萝卜素类(Carotenes):多不饱和碳氢化合物,以异戊二烯残基为组成单元的共轭多烯烃 色素,颜色从橙,黄,红到紫都有,溶于石油醚,微溶于甲醇,乙醇 3 ?类胡萝卜素 ...tenes) 多烯类色素 厦门大学嘉庚学院 Page 20 Department of Environmental Science and Engineering 1 烃类胡萝卜素(Carotenes) 多烯类色素 厦门大学嘉庚学院 Page 21 Department of Environmental Science and Engineering (1)叶黄素(lutein):3, 3′ -二羟... 4 ?胡罗卜素 ... 肌肽/Carnosine 胡罗卜素/Carotenes 类胡罗卜素/Carotenoids ...
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Carotenes are insoluble in water and soluble in oils and fats. - 2
Typical markers are the porphyrins, pristine, phytane, steranes, carotenes and pentacyclic triterpanes. 典型的标志如卟啉、姥鲛烷、植烷、留烷、胡萝卜烷、以及五环三萜烷。 - 3
The optimized extraction conditions were studied on powdered carrot waste with high contents of carotenes gained by enrichment and freeze-drying. 以经过胡萝卜素富集、干燥所得到的高胡萝卜素含量的胡萝卜渣粉为原料,进行提取条件优化研究。