释义 |
1 ?针根 Needle Root(针根), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
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There are two prominent muscle in on either side of the face, white, with small black spots, bead point of steel needle of a root beard. 脸的两边有两块突出的肌肉,白白的,上面有一粒粒小黑点,点上有一根根钢针般的胡须。 - 2
Once the needle is safely positioned, there is a second injection into the nerve root where it exits the foramen, a side opening where two vertebrae meet. 当穿刺针安全插到位后,在神经根离开椎间孔的部位,即两个椎体相连接处侧面的开口处进行二次注射。 。 - 3
Instantly the huge classroom quietly, not to say that the needle off the root, that is, I swallow saliva can hear. 偌大的教室即刻悄无声息,不要说掉根针,就是咽口唾沫也能听见。