佩内洛普的·来弗利的《月亮老虎》曾荣获英国儿童文学最高奖卡内基奖章(Carnegie medal)。 通过阅读、重读过往50年的布克奖获奖作品,金布克奖的评委们挑选出了这五部作品。
卡内基童书奖 ; 卡内基文学奖
The Carnegie Medal is an annual award made to the writer of an outstanding book for children.
BBC: DJ Simon Mayo nominated for Carnegie Medal prize
The DJ is on the longlist for the Carnegie Medal, which counts CS Lewis and Philip Pullman as previous winners.
In June 2011, Ness won the prestigious Carnegie Medal for his novel Monsters of Men. (Siobhan Dowd's Bog Child won in 2009).
BBC: Patrick Ness: Why I wrote A Monster Calls