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1 [船]?系泊缆 ...,多股绳,棕绳;缆绳,化纤绳,锦纶复丝双层编织绳,多股绳,棕绳,,,;主要产品:绳缆,缆绳(hawser),系泊缆(mooring rope),网(net.. 2 ?缆绳 摘要: 系泊缆绳(mooring rope)是指船舶系泊或拖顶编队用的缆绳。按材料分,有钢缆、化学纤维缆、棕缆、复合缆等。 3 ?带缆绳 ... 缆绳测力计 cable tension indicator 带缆绳 Mooring rope 粗缆绳 hawser ...
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Mooring Rope, Hawsers, Nets, Ropes. - 2
After processing can be used for bullet-proof vests, anti-cutting gloves, all kinds of traction rope, winch rope, mooring rope, climbing rope, sling, parachute rope, fishing nets. 加工后可用于防弹衣,防切割手套,各类牵引绳,绞盘绳,系泊缆,登山绳,吊索具,降落伞绳,渔网等。 - 3
The back guy, the mooring rope, take the thing, to twist the screw even to turn around and so on the ground easy movement, appears in weightlessness outer space is slow and is slow. 拉线、系绳、取物、拧螺丝甚至转身等在地面轻而易举的动作,在失重的太空显得缓慢而迟钝。