释义 |
1 ?卡纳比 Carnaby 卡纳比: 紧凑的粉红色的花,每个花瓣有粉红色条纹。卡纳比是在容器中表现最佳的品种,并可以与灌木一起混合种。 2 ?嘉奈芘 ...嘉奈芘品牌历程: Carnaby(嘉奈芘)是源自英国的CarnabyStreet(嘉奈芘街道)。 在英国人的眼里,六十年代的CarnabyStreet(嘉奈芘街道)是时尚和音乐的发源地。 3 ?卡纳比街 紧靠着卡纳比街(Carnaby),原本开卡车摆摊的Pitt Cue已在去年有了自己的门店,招牌菜是文火慢炖的熏牛排和浇烧烤酱汁的土豆泥。(再配一杯A&W乐啤露。 4 ?闹市开设专卖 ... surface can usually be referred by changing the die design ? 通常可以通过更改模具设计来引用表面 Carnaby ? 闹市开设专卖 If you’re cool being taken down and giving up!Your lifestyle’s a blow job, the way you’re living sucks!
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Along with her husband, Quant opened up a small shop, Bazaar, on Carnaby Street of London. 随着她的丈夫,特开辟了一个小商店,集市,对卡纳比街的伦敦。 - 2
When I was 13, I went to Carnaby Street in London and got my ear pierced and dyed my hair orange. 我13岁时去了伦敦的卡纳比街,打了耳洞,染了橘黄色的头发。 - 3
Whether you've spent your morning at the National Gallery or Wallace Collection, it's an easy walk, Tube or bus ride to the Carnaby area, near Oxford Circus, for lunch. 无论你早晨有没有去国立艺术馆或华莱士收藏馆,此刻应当去牛津广场附近的卡纳比街用餐。步行,地铁或者公交都很容易。