释义 |
1 ?地方管制机构 ... 地方管制机构 Local control agencies 区域误差 Local error 地方基础建设 Local infrastructure ...
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Experts on mosquito biology, genetics, ecology, and vector competence are becoming more and more separated from the people in local mosquito control agencies who are expected to terminate epidemics. 蚊虫生态学、遗传学、生态学和媒介潜力的专家,正越来越和人们期望能够终止流行病的当地蚊虫防治部门的人员分离。 - 2
Detection of the need for local people to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, large hospitals, maternal and child health care hospital, and other agencies to detect. 需要检测的人可以到当地的疾病预防控制中心、大型医院、妇幼保健院等机构进行检测。 - 3
In this paper we discussed rabies harm and its control strategies for raising awareness of rabies to government agencies, local medical and veterinary professionals as well as to the public. 本文对狂犬病的危害及其防制对策进行了探讨,以期引起社会对狂犬病防制工作的重视,增强群众的防护意识和防范能力。