... load of normal running 正常运行负荷 load of starting起动负荷,起动负载 loadometer 测力仪,测压仪,测功器 ...
A common use of a Plug-in Action is to configure or load application-specific data as the Web application is starting up.
Plug - in Action的一个常见用法是在Web应用程序在启动时,配置或装载特定应用程序的数据。
Lei Zhu, author of the article, then surveys conventional load balancing approaches used on the server side, starting with "Round Robin DNS" and notes.
作者朱磊(音译lei Zhu)分析了我们常用的服务端负载均衡手段——循环dns (Round Robin DNS),文中提到。
A good starting value for Maximum connections for a loadof 100-500 concurrent users is 30.