Conclusion PVF spectrum and mitralvalveflow spectrum can be used to evaluate left ventricular diastolic function of RH children.
结论P VF频谱与二尖瓣血流频谱对评价RH左室舒张功能有参照意义。
Methods 2-de, M-mode and pulsed Doppler were used to measure left ventricular geometric models, left atrial function and mitralvalveflow indices.
方法采用M -型和二维超声技术测量高血压患者左室几何构型,测量各组左房功能及二尖瓣血流频谱指标。
Conclusions LAF can indicate the echocardiographic changes of the left ventricular abnormal diastolic function in the earlier stage than mitralvalveflow indices does.