释义 |
短语 - 1
Mito水户 ; 美图 ; 韩国代购 ; 米托蒽醌 - 2
- 3
- 1
The Joban train now does not run any further than Mito City; past this, the tsunami has battered train tracks and highways, making passage nearly impossible. 水户市以北的常磐线列车如今不再运行;在此之后,海啸已经冲毁了铁轨和高速公路,通行几乎是不可能的事情。 - 2
A news crew from Fuji TV saw a couple of dogs this week, lying in the wreckage of Mito, Japan. 本周,来自富士电视台的新闻工作组在日本水户市的街头,看到了躺在废墟中的两条狗。 - 3
Additionally, I am specifying my username, mito, and an empty password as the second and third arguments, respectively. 另外,我指定我的用户名mito和一个空的密码分别作为第二个和第三个参数。