A Michigan left is an at-grade intersection design which replaces each left turn with a permutation of a U-turn and a right turn. The design was given the name due to its frequent use along Michigan roads and highways since the late 1960s.
In Michigan, the state's 'No worker Left Behind' program offers up to two years' worth of free tuition in the state university system for unemployed and underemployed workers.
The most notable new scheme is No Worker Left Behind, launched in 2007, which gives Michigan workers up to $10,000 for two years of training in a high-growth sector.
其中最引人注目的是2007年启动的“No Worker Left Behind(一个都不能少)”计划。 该计划为密歇根州的工人提供每人10,000美元为期两年面向高增长领域的职业培训。