释义 |
1 ?化妆师 进入明星化装区后,毛阿敏并没有要求有独自的化妆间,更没有请求御用化妆师(makeup girl),而是独自将演出服换好并画完淡妆后,就在演播厅墙角的凳子上坐了下来,看上去与普通候场的春晚演员没有任何两样。
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Division of cake division, acoustics division, cameraman, flower art, makeup girl, did you have appropriate person selected? 蛋糕师、音响师、摄影师、花艺师、化妆师,你都有合适的人选了吗? - 2
My mother still thinks a good girl, an ideal daughter, should be simple and natural, meaning no makeup, no eye-catching outfits, in a word, nothing unconventional. 我母亲依然认为一个乖女孩、理想的女儿应该是朴素自然的,也就是不化妆,不穿奇装异服,一言以蔽之,就是规规矩矩。 - 3
It was a girl with no makeup, Coke-bottle glasses, and brown hair with no apparent style versus a woman with hot-pink lipstick, painted-on eyebrows, and a silver stripe in her hair. 希拉里“不化妆,戴着可乐瓶一样的眼镜,根本没有发型的棕色头发”;而我的母亲总是涂着亮粉色的口红,睫毛油,头发上还扎着一根银色的带子。