释义 |
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Make rounds on each position, test their quality of service, correct their fault, make sure the daily work can go on smoothly. 巡视各岗位,检查工作进度,抽查服务质量,纠正偏差,确保日常工作顺利进行。 - 2
I constantly check your doors, make rounds on the property, walk down the street, take pictures of the cars, see what cars are usually on the street. 我会经常性的检查你房门是否上锁,在你宅邸绕几周看是否有什么隐患,在街道上走走,拍下街边停放的小车,看看一般有哪些车经常性的停在街道旁。 - 3
Toyohashi University of Technology has developed Terapio, a robotic medical cart that can make hospital rounds, deliver medications and other items, and retrieve records. 丰桥科技大学开发了 Terapio,这是一种机器医疗推车,可以在医院内巡回运转,运送药物和其他物品并检索记录。