释义 |
- 解脲支原体:一种细菌,属于支原体科,可引起尿道炎、前列腺炎等泌尿生殖系统感染。
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医药科学 解脲支原体 Diet habit,history of Diabetes,seasonal incidence,different ways of contraception,vaginal rinse and previous uterine cavity operation have close relationship with the distribution of syndromes. Infections of Infusorian,Monilia,Bacterium,Mycoplasma Urealytium,Chlamydia may have relationship with certain type of TCM syndrome. 饮食习惯、糖尿病史、发病季节、避孕方式、阴道及宫腔操作史、滴虫、念珠菌、细菌、解脲支原体、衣原体感染均与带下病中医证型有一定的相关性。
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Methods:110 cases of mycoplasma urealytium genitourinary tract infection were randomly divided into 3 groups, group Azithromycin, group Roxithromycin, group Clarithromycin. 方法110例解脲支原体泌尿道感染患者随机分为: 阿奇霉素组、 罗红霉素组、 克拉霉素组等3组。