... mutual currency holding相互通货持有 mutual stock holding相互控股 official holdings of documents官方持有的单据 ...
Another insurance mutual, Alte Leipziger, has organised a joint-stock holding company which, executives say, may eventually be listed on the stock exchange.
ECONOMIST: Demutualisation in Germany
Huge global iPhone opportunity, tablet growth ahead (with the future release of the iPad3), and PC share gains will continue to drive the stock forward. (Read Apple Is A Top-10 Holding In 26% Of Mutual Funds And 16% Of Equity ETFs).
FORBES: Apple Earnings Preview: Revenue To Jump 46% In First Post-Steve Jobs Quarter
Certain rules that govern mutual funds and institutional managers typically prevent them from holding more than 5 percent of their assets in a single stock.
FORBES: Apple: Good As Gold . . . Down 20 Percent Then Flat?