释义 |
自然线形 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?谱线自然形状 ... 天线自整角机 scanner magslip 谱线自然形状 natural line shape 自然角频率 natural angular frequency ...
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Ovals have a bit more freedomm when it comes to brow shape,but the best shape is one that follows the natural line of the browbone and is slightly thick, but well groomed. 鸭蛋脸的眉型选择更多一些,不过佳眉型是随眉骨的自然线条修眉,有一点粗,但要修剪整齐。 - 2
The entire design drawing emphasizes the natural combination of point, line and plane. There are exquisite details hidden in simple shape, and primitive simplicity in modern and fashionable design. 整体设计构图,讲究点、线面的浑然天成,一气呵成,简约造型之中又随处可见精雕细刻之痕;于现代时尚之中,隐藏古朴酣畅之美。 - 3
Natural plant ingredient, none granule, easy colored, mild and soft, create perfect line, can draw charming lip shape at your pleasure. 天然植物成分,不起颗粒、易上色,平和柔软,勾勒完美曲线,可随心描绘出赏心悦目的唇型。