...地说有点像“复印数值库到另外1个办事器”,或是包罗在主数值库的内部实质意义发发生变故化时次数值库的有用更新( live updating)的寄义如果想简略地将数值库复印到另外1个办事器上,则可以施用在前边已会商的那一些号令自MySQL3.23 版本以来,就已起头浮现对基...
The Tornado web framework is used for liveupdating. This is their Comet server, which handles the large volumes of open connections used for long-polling and pushes updates to the browsers.
Because compaction requires moving and updatinglive objects, it cannot be done concurrently.
There will never be a point when it is ‘finished’, since you are constantly updating it as you live through life, get new learnings, achieve your goals and aim for higher grounds.