燕鸥 中文名: 白额燕鸥 拉丁名:Sterna albifrons 英文名:Little Tern 鸻形目 燕鸥科 全长约46cm。夏羽头顶、颈背及贯眼纹黑色,额白。冬羽头顶及颈背地黑色减少至月牙形。幼鸟似非繁殖期成鸟但头顶及上背具褐色杂斑,尾白而
经过穿越欧亚大陆的史诗般飞行后,每年十月底,候鸟小燕鸥(Little Tern)将抵达澳大利亚的沿海荒野。 在三月它们离开之前,马拉库塔(Mallacoota)岬角都是观看候鸟聚居群的绝佳地点。
The number of nesting little tern pairs along the south coast in the 1980s was 350.
BBC: Little tern at Crimdon Dene
The only Little Tern colony in Wales, the birds breed on the shore before migrating south in September.
BBC: A Little Tern protects two of its chicks
About 350 little tern pairs nested along the south coast in the 1980s.
BBC: Langstone Harbour little tern nesting site project starts