释义 |
大容量磁盘 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
In this case, more expensive high capacity hardware is used for the fast traffic while the bulk traffic is handled by commodity hardware with large disk partitions. 在此情况下,将对快速流量使用较昂贵的高容量硬件,而批量流量则由具有大型磁盘分区的普通硬件来处理。 - 2
The unit of procurement for large installations, however, will almost certainly be the "pod." In that context, adding capacity one server or disk at a time starts to make little sense. 更大规模的安装采购,还只是"pod”, 那就是说,增加服务器性能或增加硬盘,开始变得毫无意义。 - 3
Per-disk capacity now exceeds a terabyte, but a disk can nonetheless fill up quickly with large data files, lengthy log files, images, and media files such as movies. 单个磁盘的容量现在已经超过了 1TB,但是大型数据文件、日志文件、图像以及电影等媒体文件很快就把磁盘装满了。