释义 |
1 ?兰辛 兰辛(Lansing)是密西根的州府所在地,沿着96号高速,向东开100公里就是底特律。 2 ?辛市 ...北半岛与威斯康星州和密西根湖相邻,并与加拿大接壤;南半岛被俄亥俄州、印第安那州和休伦湖、伊利湖环绕;州府位于兰辛市(Lansing),底特律(Detroit.)是密西根州最大的城市。 3 ?奥特蓝星 Lansing(奥特蓝星),一直以产品功能决定规格和设计形式,作为产品设计以及研发的基本理念。产品的首要目标是满足消费者生活的实际需要。
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In pursuit of revealing this complicated reality, Mothering Justice, led by women of color, went last year to the state capital in Lansing, Michigan, to lobby on issues that affect working mothers. 为了揭示这一复杂的现实,由有色人种女性领导的“正义之母”去年前往了密歇根州首府兰辛,就影响职场母亲的相关问题进行游说。 - 2
I grew up in Lansing, KS and graduated from Lansing High School. - 3
Only two years later, the club in Lansing, Michigan would close, leaving Playboy with no more American clubs. 然而,仅仅在此两年之后,位于密歇根州首府兰辛的分店关门停业标志着花花公子俱乐部在美国本土全军覆没。