主题:评估和面向结果管理的关键术语 ... Results Chain The causal sequence for a development intervention that stipulates the necessary sequence to achieve desired objectives -beginning with inputs, moving through activities and outputs, and culminating in outcomes, impacts, and feedback. 结果链 结果链是开发活动的因果序列。开发活动规定必要的 程序以达到设计的目标,即从投入开始,经过行动和产出, 实现产效、影响及反馈。 In some agencies, reach is part of the results chain.Related terms: assumptions, results framework. 在某些代理机构中,涉及对象也 是结果链的一部分。相关术语:假设, 结果框架 Results framework The program logic that explains how the development objective is to be achieved, including causal relationships and underlying assumptions.Related terms: results chain, logical framework. 结果框架 结果框架指计划的逻辑框架,即目标将如何实现,其 中包括因果关系和主要的假设。相关术语:结果链,逻辑框架 ...