You use the library by opening the document and reading the file, followed by looping through each block in the main control block, as shown in Listing 1.
Microsoft released a version of their Enterprise Library 4.0 for Visual Studio 2008 and at the same time, Unity 1.1 application block, their dependency injection container.
微软发布了支持Visual Studio 2008的新版本Enterprise Library 4.0,同时也发布了他们的依赖注入容器Unity应用程序块的1.1版本。
The m17n library is also an accepted part of the Linux Standard Base (LSB) and is likely to be a prominent building block of possible Linux internationalization standard implementations.
m17n 库也已经被接纳为 Linux Standard Base(LSB)的一个部分,它可能会成为 Linux 国际化标准实现的一个很好的部分。