释义 |
1 ?卡尔斯 卡尔斯(Kars)鲁厄上轮联赛制服了印戈斯塔德,总算是竣事了难堪的不堪记载,该队德国杯中出局(Out)是情理之中也是意料之中,妈妈说过没有人值得... 2 ?受体 GluR5含有红藻氨酸受体(KARS)是已知的参与疼痛信号的传递。我们以前的工作表明,激活突触前卡尔斯调节GABA能和甘氨酸培养的背角神经元突触传递的。 3 ?艾迪卫卡式 · 艾迪卫卡式(Kars)厨房净水机EQ-P 4 ?土耳其 位于Kars(土耳其)的酒店:搜索到3家酒店
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In the meantime, eight people applied by telephone from Hakkari, Urfa, Kars, Izmir and Trabzon. 同时,有八个人从哈卡里,乌尔法,卡斯,伊兹密尔和特拉布宗打电话来申请。 - 2
That may be the eventual outcome of work being done by Kars-Michiel Lenssen and his colleagues at Philips Research, in the Netherlands. 这些设想已经成为事实,是由荷兰飞利浦研究室的Kars - Michiel Lenssen和他的同事们研究的成果。 - 3
By 2012, a regional railway - hailed by some as a modern-day Silk Route - is expected to connect Baku to Tbilisi, Georgia's capital to the north, and to Kars, Turkey, to the west. 到2012年,地区铁路网——有人称之为现代丝绸之路,将把巴库与北面的格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯连接起来,与西面的土耳其城市卡尔斯连接起来。
1From Turkish Kars, from Armenian ???? ?(Kars). FROM: wiktionary |