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1 [医]?失血 中华外科杂志100307 关键词: 失血;手术;肝切除术;肝血流阻断 [gap=2205]Keywords :Blood loss; surgical; Hepatectomy; Hepatic vascular exclusion 2 ?血意盎然 片 片名:Blood Loss 译名:血意盎然 制片地区\时间:美国\2008 类型:犯罪 评星:☆☆☆ 烂片谈不上,可是竟然没有一处值得一看的地方,要说有的话,那几首乡村民谣风格的插曲还 3 ?出血量 ...出血量 凝血功能 [gap=1774]y words: controlled hypotension;hemocoagulase;spinal surgery;blood conservation; blood loss; coagulation function ... 4 ?出血 ...氏四联症 氧合器 改良超滤 出血 [gap=1166]Key Words: Tetralogy of Fallot, Oxygenator, Modified ultrafiltration, Blood loss ...
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Normal occlusion of porta hepatis can reduce blood loss effectively after liver resecting. - 2
Most often, they die because of massive blood loss. - 3
All mammals use platelets to help prevent blood loss after traumatic injury.