The microbialites' paleogeography position can be divided into three types: (1) on the top of the isolated carbonate platform within the Nanpanjiang Basin;
The fault depressions, isolated with one another but genetically related, are developed in deep of southern Songliao basin and most of them are considered to be capable of generating hydrocarbon.
Here we report an isolated theropod left metatarsal IV (IVPP V 18060) from the upper part of the Shishugou Formation, exposed at the Wucaiwan Locality in the northeastern part of the Junggar Basin.
描述了一件新的采自准噶尔盆地东北缘五彩湾地区石树沟组上部的兽脚类恐龙左第四跖骨标本(IVPP V 18060)。