Lanvin?2011春夏系列 更多精彩报道,敬请关注世界服装鞋帽网。 卡莉·克劳斯(Karlie?Kloss):这条裙子让你感觉像个女神!如此强势醒目,除了一条腰带和完美的妆容外,无需多余搭配。
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Karlie Kloss was on the red carpet for the Grammy Awards, hosting coverage for MTV.
WSJ: Friendships bubble up at NY Fashion Week
Top models always turn out for Sui: Karlie Kloss, Jessica Stam and Hilary Rhoda among them for this show.
WSJ: NY Fashion Week: tough, tailored, lots of black
During the show, the model Karlie Kloss vamped down the runway wearing a green trench coat tied at her waist.
FORBES: Trend-Spotting: Punk-Rock Couture