The slightly cloying, plummy oyster-and-bacon pad thai elicited the opposite response, as did Filipino short ribs kare-kare, which, though well flavored with coconut, peanuts, and pickled chiles, were almost chalky in texture.
Samsung lawyers, in their cross-examination of Ms. Kare, focused on the start-up process for a Samsung phone, including when it initially says "Samsung" on the screen, shows an animated "Droid" advertisement and then a home screen with a Google Inc.
WSJ: Ex-Apple Designer: Similarity in Samsung Phones
Then Apple brought out two renowned experts industrial designer Peter Bressler and graphic-icon wizard Susan Kare to testify that Samsung phones are substantially the same as their iPhone predecessor.
FORBES: Memo to Apple's Experts: Never Cite 'Peanut Butter' In Testimony