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Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a professor at Harvard Business School, regards Cisco as an example of a “supercorp”, a coinage that is also the title of her new book. 哈佛商业学院的Rosabeth Moss Kanter教授将思科看作为一个“超级大公司”的典范。 这是一个新词,也是她新书的书名。 - 2
He was succeeded in the post by the almost equally controversial Rosabeth Moss Kanter (see article). 在这个职位上继他之后又出现了几乎同样有争议的Rosabeth Moss Kanter (see article)。 - 3
Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a professor at Harvard Business School, regards Cisco as an example of a "supercorp", a coinage that is also the title of her new book. 哈佛商业学院的Rosabeth Moss Kanter教授将思科看作为一个“超级大公司”的典范。 这是一个新词,也是她新书的书名。