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您要找的是不是: ootabbr. 面向对象技术(Object-Oriented Tech... 1 ?括 CantonIM 字库列表 ... koon 观,冠,官,盥 koot 括,豁,聒,濊,鸹,髺,栝,适,e???,筈 ku 箍
- 1.
One of the first to speak among earlier delegations was Leo Koot, managing director of oil firm TAQA Bratani, who said Union Terrace Gardens was a "dark hole". BBC: Aberdeen's City Garden Project snubbed after debate - 2.
Those pranksters wanted to make a similar point as Koot, that having our information out there unguarded by its holders opens us up to identity theft and targeted attacks. FORBES: Google Profiles: Is Easy Aggregation An Invasion Of Privacy? - 3.
Matthijs Koot, a PhD-student at the University of Amsterdam, created a code that crawls through the profiles, downloading all of the information in them including Twitter names, links to Picasa albums, work and education history and putting it into his database. FORBES: Google Profiles: Is Easy Aggregation An Invasion Of Privacy?