释义 |
1 ?库宁 从早期的克林姆特(klimt),到六十年代的抽象艺术家库宁(Kooning),再到当代艺术家koons(昆斯),都是在威尼斯双年展上被人们所认识。
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Willem DE Kooning is a famous American artist for express abstract art, large amount of his paintings are extremely abstract. 威廉·德·库宁是美国抽象表现艺术的代表性艺术家,他大量的绘画形式都是极为抽象的。 - 2
Tell us about yourself, and, if so, how has the Netherlands’ reputation for artists such as Van Gogh, Escher, Kooning, and so on, influenced you to create digital art? 向我们谈谈你自己吧,恩,如果可以,能说说像凡高、埃舍尔和库宁等这样盛誉荷兰的艺术家有影响到您的数字式艺术品的创作吗? - 3
Tell us about yourself, and, if so, how has the Netherlands' reputation for artists such as Van Gogh, Escher, Kooning, and so on, influenced you to create digital art? 向我们谈谈你自己吧,恩,如果可以,能说说像凡高、埃舍尔和库宁等这样盛誉荷兰的艺术家有影响到您的数字式艺术品的创作吗?