释义 |
- abbr.逻辑设备地址(Logical Device Address);可用着陆距离(Landing Distance Available);本地数据区(Local Data Area)
- 1
Every individual starts with fitness 1 at point a and can raise its fitness based on how close it gets to point B. Every command "u", "d", "l", or "r" moves up, down, left, or right, respectively. 每个个体从a点开始,并且其适应性为1,然后个体可以根据它与b点的接近程度来增加它的适应性。命令“U”、“D”、“L”或“R”分别代表上移、下移、左移或右移。 - 2
In addition to -l and -r for local and remote forwards, respectively, SSH offers -d to create an HTTP proxy on a remote machine. 除了分别用于本地和远程转发的- L和- R之外,SSH还提供- d参数来在远程机器上创建一个HTTP代理。 - 3
Determining the hemisphere is easy: latitude zones a, C, d, e, F, g, h, J, K, l, and m are in the Southern hemisphere, and the rest are in the Northern hemisphere. 这种确定非常简单:纬度区a、C、D、E、F、G、H、J、K、L和m位于南半球,而其余区位于北半球。