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1 ?沿岸冰面开裂水域 ... land water 沿岸冰面开裂水区 land waters 沿岸冰面开裂水域 land wind 陆风 ...
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Away from the lake's sapphire-hued waters, the land appears as a combination of gray, brown, and green. 湖水的颜色如蓝宝石一般,除此之外,陆地看上去则混杂了灰色、棕色和绿色。 - 2
To qualify for a tax allowance, an oilfield has to have precise physical characteristics: how far it is from land, how deep the waters, and so on. 为了获得收入免税额,油田必须拥有精确的物理特征:离大陆有多远,水域有多深等等。 - 3
But to make the most of its fertile land and waters, the region needs more sophisticated food-processing industries and stronger brands, instead of exporting bulk commodities. 不过,为了充分利用肥沃的土地和丰沛的水资源,东南亚需要建立更为精繁的食品加工行业和强有力的品牌,而不是出口大批量的初级制成品。