... envelopment包 affaire风流韵事 affair私通 ...
... 复制品 réplique 复杂的事情 affaire 复制模 surmoule ...
... 事理 = affair 事理 = affaire 事理 = affairs ...
德雷福斯事件 ; 斯案件
当男人看上男人 ; 当汉子看中汉子 ; 片名
"L'Affaire Cahuzac" has struck French consciences as deeply as Dominique Strauss-Kahn's sex scandal in 2011.
CNN: Hollande fights back in tax evasion scandal
The question now is, will Hollande take advantage of "L'affaire" to form a new government with a new prime minister?
France has been shaken by what has become known as l'affaire d'Outreau.
ECONOMIST: The French judicial system